Offices in New York and LA

14297238_s Body Charge is headquartered in Los Angeles and has a satellite location in New York City.  Our main areas of service are Los Angeles and New York where therapists are screened, interviewed and are required to give a hands on demo of their skills.  A thorough reference check is given as well, because we hire the best available in the city.



Body Charge’s main offices are Los Angeles and New York.  Paul Guditis, Body Charge owner: ” Spreading ourselves too thinly over the US sometimes gets us in trouble.  In staffing small markets, there really is no chance of interviewing all of the therapists.  It is just totally unrealistic.  That is why our main focus will be the major markets in New York and Los Angeles.”

“I have a chance to go out and personally interview therapists, get a hands on demo, and find the best therapists available who want to do this work.  It’s amazing what people put down on paper, and what their massages are like.  Sometimes they are two different worlds.

” We can be called for anything, anywhere, anytime.  My job is to make sure it happens, with the best therapists available for the work.  I consider us one of the best out there.  And through the years, I’ve had a chance to see what is out there.  Seeing an employee get out of a massage chair with a smile and a healthy glow, well, there’s not a whole lot more that can make me happier.”